working away

And having fun!

The Central Virginia Modern Quilt Guild is doing a quilting bee with Carolyn Friedlander Envelope pattern. I started mine on a Tuesday night and by the end of that weekend I had a top. This was a fun pattern and it went together very nicely. I decided to use bright colors and white a back ground. Now I need to quilt it. Or should I say add it to the pile.
Wanda and Ann were also working away on theirs.
Wanda&AnnP_Working On_EnvelopeBlock_sm
Envelope_Top Done_2_smEnvelope_Top Done_3_sm

The storms that came through were pretty wild. I was outside and looking west ish doesn’t look good…Lots of rain and wind, but no damage. Just lots of standing water.

Thanks, for stopping by check out what others are doing over at Patchwork Times